Why does this website exist?
We are also interested in watching adults cams. However, it is not always possible to watch the livestreams, we decided to develop this website to share the livestreams so that we/you can watch/replay anytime, anywhere.
Does it cost anything to watch videos?
Due to the collapse of Server 2 recently, we have developed a dedicated server to stream the videos at a high quality, improve users' experience and avoid the same mistake in the future. Therefore, we have to charge monthly/yearly fee to cover the server cost. You can still watch free videos for free but the quality is at high resolution and there will be ads.
Does kbjfree offer free trial premium, monthly premium?
No, we do not. Currently, there is only monthly plan for standard membership and yearly plan for premium membership.
I already subscribed monthly membership, why can't I watch premium videos?
Monthly membership is standard tier, you can only watch regular videos. To watch premium videos, you need to upgrade to yearly membership which is premium tier.
Why I do not receive the reset password link?
Our logic behind will automatically detect and reject any Disposable, Undeliverable, Invalid, Bounced email addresses. So if you are not receiving the link, please try a different email address from well-known providers such as Gmail, QQ, Naver, etc. Please use real email.
Can I request a new model?
Due to the shortage of resources, we only allow standard/premium user requesting new model. Please go to your user menu -> tickets -> create new ticket and select Model Request category.
Why old videos are deleted over time?
As our announcement, there was a collapse from our free video hosting provider in June 2023. The consequence is that almost videos before the timestamp 28-06-2023 were broken and we are unable to recover. From time to time, we will delete old broken videos and also new inactive videos (videos without views in 90 days) to save storage cost.
Does the website collect any personal information?
No, the only information we store is your email address that is used to sign in.
How can I share my video on KBJFree?
You can send video file/link to our email address in contact page. We will upload it to the website.
Still could not find an answer for your question?
Just email us via our email address in contact page.